Another bite of chocolate?
Even though tasting our Lyra chocolate can take your indulgence to entirely new heights and make you fall head over heels for it, we do not keep any secrets from you. To make sure it has an irresistible smell, velvety softness and a deep, intense taste, we keep an eye on every detail - from planting and flowering cocoa trees to wrapping the finished chocolate bars.

cocoa beans Fino de Aroma
Why does our chocolate boast an exceptional aroma and taste? Because, to produce it, we use Fino de Aroma cocoa beans which are the best the world's plantations have to offer. They represent only five percent of global production and require far more hard manual work from small farmers than large-scale mechanized farms.
Fino de Aroma cocoa beans are pale and deliver a full, intense taste with floral and fruity undertones. They are exquisitely creamy, delicate and entwined in a variety of flavours, just like good wine. We are there every step of the way, starting from the plantation and the very trees on which they grow. Therefore, we pride ourselves on taking ownership of the entire production process of our chocolate - from the tree to the finished bars.

Chocolate production
The more we grow, the more we learn to appreciate the importance of milestones we have passed in search of the perfect chocolate. We are writing our own story about responsibility, fairness and determination.
Sme pri každom jednom kroku spracovania kakaových bôbov - od stromu až po tabuľku čokolády, aby bola naozaj dokonalá. Tretinu chuti udávajú kakaové bôby samotné. Takmer polovica chuti sa formuje pri ich fermentácii. Len neveľký zvyšok dokážeme vyladiť priamo v našej čokoládovni.
KAROL STÝBLO Chocolatier
The passion, skill and talent of the world-renowned chocolatier Karol Stýblo enables you to pamper yourself with the intoxicating aroma and taste of Lyra chocolates. Whenever he hand-picks new cocoa beans, adjusts the production technology or refines the recipe of the upcoming new products, he aims to make your tasting experience all the more intense.

Those who have visited our company store know very well that, in addition to chocolate, we have also discovered our passion for ice cream. We are trying to uncover its essence and see it as it used to be at the time when its story began.
We create ZmrzLyra to reflect the taste of our chocolate - its full flavour and creamy texture to make sure that the quality of the used ingredients stands out as much as possible. ZmrzLyra consists of the same ingredients as our chocolate - only the recipe is different. Thanks to this, you can taste something refreshingly new and unique during the hot summer days. And yet, the ice cream is comfortingly familiar thanks to the quality of Fino de Aroma cocoa beans, as you know it from Lyra chocolate.

We do not shy away from fruits from Slovak farms, which uphold the ecological approach to cultivation. ZmrzLyra is our culinary adventure resulting in a delightfully tasty ice-cream.