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Less sugar more love


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Another bite of chocolate?

The irresistible taste of the true LYRA chocolate

It is velvety soft, with an intense taste and an irresistible aroma. You do not need to be ashamed for falling head over heels in love with it. The taste of Lyra chocolate is rounded in the rainforests and on plantations where we hand-pick the best of Fino de Aroma cocoa beans.

We want you to enjoy it with all of your senses. From a gentle snap with a flattering breaking point, through its velvety smooth surface sensitive to the touch, to its filling - that is, if we decide to complement the charming cocoa beans with crunchy nuts, caramel or spicy fruits.

Take a bite of chocolate, let it slowly melt on your tongue and dream our chocolate dream with us. A dream vivid and deep enough to penetrate your perception of everyday pleasure. We are in it together.

If we want to change anything about the taste of our chocolate, we can do so at the very beginning of the journey - in the trees.

Read more about Lyra chocolate
About us

“Nebyť nás, okolie by sa veľmi nezmenilo. Ale nebyť okolia, zrejme by sme neexistovali.”

Lyra story
Lyra e-shop

Our best products

Each of these chocolates is the outcome of our exploration and passion. Make your choice according to your taste preference and share your pleasant feelings with us while indulging in our chocolate.

All our products
They wrote about us

“Ich čokoláda sa za 15 rokov stala na Slovensku kultom. Oslavujú miliónové tržby a nový biznis v Kolumbii”

“Lyra Chocolate patrí medzi najúspešnejších výrobcov poctivej čokolády na slovenskom trhu”

“Príbeh čokolády Lyra z Nitry je jeden z príkladov zodpovedného podnikania, za ktoré môžete hlasovať v cene verejnosti.”

“Nitrianska čokoláda si podmanila Kóreu. Zakladateľ slovenskej firmy LYRA hlási veľký úspech.”

Where can you buy our products?

In some places, they will serve you a hot chocolate in a cup, others will fill it in a frozen form into cones. But there are also places where you can experience it with your fingers in a shop, or with a click of a computer mouse in our e-shop. You can find us in shops, cafés and on the Internet.

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